Connecting Care News

Tasmanians who have tested positive to COVID-19 – we want to talk to you

The stories of patients and carers provide strong witness to the events and practices that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic and understand best the impact their own experience has had on them and their families.

Health Consumers Tasmania would welcome the opportunity for patients who have had tested positive to COVID-19 and carers who have cared for those who have had COVID-19 to tell us their stories so we can ensure patient experience helps inform and drive positive change within the health system to make sure we are better prepared in case this happens again.

There are many reviews happening at the moment, but none focus exclusively on understanding the patient experience.

Who is Health Consumers Tasmania?

Health Consumers Tasmania is a new state-wide community organisation that provides an independent, informed and representative voice on behalf of health consumers to make sure the health system better meets the needs of Tasmanians.

We are funded by the Tasmanian Department of Health and Primary Health Tasmania.

For more information, please visit

Contact us

If you would like to share your experiences about contracting COVID-19, for a confidential conversation please contact Bruce Levett at

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Coronavirus (COVID-19) information for the Central Coast

If you are in the North West and you are experiencing flu like symptoms you must quarantine and call your GP or the Public Health Hotline on 1800 671 738.  You may need to be tested for COVID-19