Church of Christ Community Social Club
Church of Christ Activity Centre West
4 Wrights Road Ulverstone 7315
Every Tuesday fortnight 1.30pm
Kids Club - weekly Wednesday 3.30pm
Youth Group - Monthly Friday nights 7.00pm
Valma Wearne (Organiser) .................6425 4601
Naval Association of Australia,
Devonport/Ulverstone Subsection
107 Last Street Latrobe 7307
Subsection meets each month for support and
comradeship, members of serving or past navy
personnel – caring for each other and social
Greg Cottrell (Pres)........................0409 801 956
Anne MacLeod (Sec) ..........................6426 1255
Paul Stolp (Treas) ...............................6427 8439
Email .........................
Clubrooms ...........................................6426 1255
Fax ......................................................6426 1255
Ulverstone Ladies Probus Club
PO Box 764 Ulverstone 7315
A social club for active retired women; meets first
Monday each month at Beachway Motel.
Shirley Guard (Joint Pres)...................6437 2433
Ismay Bye (Joint Pres)...................0456 781 288