Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information for the Central Coast (click here)

Other Social/Leisure

Other Social/Leisure

Church of Christ Community Social Club
Church of Christ Activity Centre West
4 Wrights Road Ulverstone 7315
Every Tuesday fortnight 1.30pm
Kids Club - weekly Wednesday 3.30pm
Youth Group - Monthly Friday nights 7.00pm
Valma Wearne (Organiser) .................6425 4601

Naval Association of Australia,
Devonport/Ulverstone Subsection
107 Last Street Latrobe 7307
Subsection meets each month for support and
comradeship, members of serving or past navy
personnel – caring for each other and social
Greg Cottrell (Pres)........................0409 801 956
Anne MacLeod (Sec) ..........................6426 1255
Paul Stolp (Treas) ...............................6427 8439
Email .........................
Clubrooms ...........................................6426 1255
Fax ......................................................6426 1255

Ulverstone Ladies Probus Club
PO Box 764 Ulverstone 7315
A social club for active retired women; meets first
Monday each month at Beachway Motel.
Shirley Guard (Joint Pres)...................6437 2433
Ismay Bye (Joint Pres)...................0456 781 288

Coronavirus (COVID-19) information for the Central Coast

Mental Health Guide

Using Telehealth

Health Alerts

If you are in the North West and you are experiencing flu like symptoms you must quarantine and call your GP or the Public Health Hotline on 1800 671 738.  You may need to be tested for COVID-19