Penguin Nursing Homes
Island Care Coroneagh Park
50 Ironcliffe Road Penguin 7316
Office.......................................................6437 2551
Fax ..........................................................6437 2855
Judy Brown (Facility Manager)................6437 2551
Website ...............................
Coroneagh Park Auxiliary
C/ Coroneagh Park 50 Ironcliffe Road Penguin 7316
Group takes an active interest in welfare and comfort
of residents by fundraising to purchase items as
requested by Facility Manager. Provide service with
kiosk trolley to residents plus birthday and Christmas
Mary Deverell (Pres) ...............................6437 2420
Joan Kreemers (Sec) ..............................6437 2303
B Murphy (Treas) ....................................6437 0886
Mobile.................................................0409 025 856
Email ...............................
Ulverstone Nursing Homes
Island Care Eliza Purton Home
26-28 Lakin Street Ulverstone 7315
Jane Perry (General Manager) ...............6425 1515
Fax ..........................................................6425 6229
Website ...............................
Eliza Purton Home Auxiliary
26-28 Lakin Street Ulverstone 7315
Provides extras and runs a kiosk and enjoys
friendships with residents.
Phone......................................................6425 1515
Fax ..........................................................6425 6229
Margaret Nichols (Pres) ..........................6425 6330
Joy Ball (Sec)..........................................6425 2882
Jean Mainwaring (Treas) ........................6425 7717
Website ...............................
Mount St Vincent Nursing Home and Therapy
Centre Incorporated
(PO Box 303) 75 South Road Ulverstone 7315
For the aged and disabled (16 years and over).
Aged Care: High care nursing and respite care.
Therapy Centre: To assist the general public in rehab,
exercise programs, pre and post-surgery exercises to
help maintain fitness and flexibility in the aged.
Yvonne Kromkamp..................................6425 2166
Fax ..........................................................6425 4293
Mount St Vincent Nursing Home Auxiliary
Group works to provide extra essentials for the
residents; trivia; cake stalls; raffles etc. Meetings are
held on the 4
th Wednesday of each month in the
Community room at the Catholic Church.
2/16 Jermyn Street Ulverstone 7315
Anne Miller (Pres)....................................6425 2919
Lyn Griffiths (Sec)....................................6425 1712
Lyn Griffiths (Treas).................................6425 1712
Ganesway Housing
Housing for elderly people - family style
accommodation for up to ten adults who are capable
of self-care.
C/ Central Coast Council
Enquiries .................................................6429 8900
Ganesway ...............................................6425 9199