Oral Health Services Tasmania provides dental services for babies, children and teens up until the age of 18 living in Tasmania. Our dental and oral health therapists provide general dental care and oral health promotion for young people under the age of 18. This includes:
examination and check-up of the mouth, teeth and gums
any necessary treatment decided upon when you have your checkup
any preventative treatment (for example cleaning and xrays)
advice on healthy eating
tips on how o care for your mouth, teeth and gums
mouthguards (for eligible children/teens)
If you need to be referred to a dentist, we will discuss this with you.
Oral Health Services /tasmania also provides subsidised emergency, general and denture services to adults who have a Services Australia or DVA Pensioner Concession Card or Services Australia Health Care Card. Waiting lists may apply for subsidised general and denture services.