Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information for the Central Coast (click here)



Anglican Church
St Stephen’s Anglican Church, Penguin
(PO Box 22) Main Road Penguin 7316
Sunday services and Holy Communion 9.30am.
KC Knight ............................................6435 4185
Mr Peter Sheppard..............................6437 2220
Doug Bright ..........................................64372926

Holy Trinity Anglican Church of Australia,
(PO Box 111) 10 Kings Parade Ulverstone 7315
The local Anglican Church holds Sunday services,
weekly bible studies, childrens activities and
regular lunches, fellowship and community
Rev David Blyth..............................0413 528 168
Sylvia Berger (Sec) .............................6425 1003
Regina Atkins (Youth & Family Worker)
.......................................................0407 438 990
Email .........................
Website .............

Baptist Church
Penguin Baptist Centre
(PO Box 129) 139 Ironcliffe Road Penguin 7316
Sunday Morning Service - 10.00am
Chat n Choose – Thursday 10am
I Carmichael (Elder) ............................6437 2024
P Cunningham (Treas)........................6437 1000

Baptist Church Ulverstone
(PO Box 250) 60 Alexandra Road Ulverstone 7315
Admin office hours are Monday to Friday (excl.
Thursday) 9.15am–1.00pm. Service time is
9.00am Sundays.
Louis Fife (Snr Pastor) ........................6425 6306
Jan Litchfield (Sec).........................0408 146 088
Angela Bissett (Treas)....................0409 401 454
Email .....................................

Catholic Church
Catholic Church Penguin
(PO Box 362 Devonport 7310) 1 Arnold Street
Penguin 7316
Father John Girdouskas ......................6424 2783
Office ...................................................6424 8383

Catholic Church Ulverstone
Mersey Leven Parish
(PO Box 362 Devonport 7310) 2 Alexandra Road
Ulverstone 7315
Father Mike Delaney ..................... 0417 279 437
Annie Davies (Sec)..............................6424 2783
Office Fax ............................................6423 5160

Gospel Hall
Ulverstone Gospel Chapel
(PO Box 424) 1a Amherst Street Ulverstone 7315
Place of Christian worship, this group provides
opportunities for members to study the Bible, enjoy
friendships and family activities. Sunday worship
10.30am and Bible Study Tuesday 7.30pm.
Office ...................................................6425 3000
Ian Wigg (Elder) ..................................6435 4664
David Williams (Sec) ...........................6425 3105
Bob Clark (Assist Treas) ............... 0419 304 607

Presbyterian Church
St Andrews Presbyterian Church Ulverstone
(PO Box 535) 59 Main Street Ulverstone 7315
Services 10.00am Sundays. A warm welcome to
Youth Groups and Bible studies.
Rev Charlie Kennedy ..........................6425 7297
Office ...................................................6425 3814
Mobile............................................ 0400 228 241
Jacob Hendriks (Session Clerk)..........6425 3667

Reformed Church
Sanctuary Hill Christian Fellowship Penguin
(PO Box 110) ‘Sanctuary Hill’ 2 Main Road Penguin
Church worship service at 10am on Sunday.
Pastor Ron Van Leerdam.............. 0402 273 186
William Springham (Session Clerk).....6437 2171
Website.........Christian reformed church Penguin

Ulverstone Christian Reformed Church
(PO Box 49) 36 John Street Ulverstone 7315
Services - Sunday 9.30am. Sunday School, Youth
Groups, Ladies fellowship and Bible studies.
Rev Pieter Tuit ....................................6437 2188
Arnold Van Neutegen..........................6425 1819
Cathy Koek (Sec)................................6423 2675
Elly de Jong (Treas)............................6425 3781

Salvation Army
The Salvation Army Ulverstone
(PO Box 63) 23 Victoria Street Ulverstone 7315
Christian Church with a social welfare focus
Sundays 10.30am
Children’s and youth activities held during school
Family support 10.00am–4.00pm Tues and Thurs.
Financial counselling and Positive Lifestyle
program – by appt.
Lifetime community lunch noon Fridays $3.00
“Home League” - empowering women 10.00am
Craft and Culture, Law and Justice, Salvation Army
Youth Activities
Ulverstone Corps ................................6425 1499
Fax ......................................................6425 6579

The Salvation Army Ulverstone – Thrift Shop
19 Main Street, Ulverstone 7315
Ulverstone ...........................................6425 7423

The Salvation Army - Doorways
PO Box 63 Ulverstone 7315
Doorways offers help in crisis situations. We will
help link you to services that can help you.
Interviews are by appointment on Wednesdays
and Thursdays from 10.00am–12.30pm and
Ulverstone ...........................................6425 7423
Devonport............................................6424 9177

Seventh Day Adventists
Seventh Day Adventist Church Ulverstone
90-100 South Road, Ulverstone
Pastor Brad Cooke.........................................N/A

Uniting Church
Uniting Church in Australia Penguin
(PO Box 368) Main Road Penguin 7316

Lynn Templar (Chairperson) ...........0447 228 747
Denise Wotherspoon (Sec) ............. 0400 373 233
Clive Jewell (Treas).............................0417 375 326
Facebook....................... Uniting Church Penguin

Church owns South Riana Uniting Church Cemetery.
Contact for Cemetery:
Paul Smith............................................0427 142 803

Uniting Church in Australia Sprent Shalom
394 Gaunts Road Nietta 7315
Keeton Miles (Pres).............................6429 1260

Uniting Church in Australia Ulverstone
(PO Box 227) Reibey Street Ulverstone 7315
Worship Sundays 10.00am
Wayne Bounday ..................................6425 3968
Church Office ......................................6425 4446
Irene Bardenhagen..............................6425 2738
T Marshall............................................6425 3865
(Contact for Sprent Community Church and
Ulverstone congregations)

The Rock Community Church
(PO Box 21) 17 Crescent Street Penguin 7316
Louisa de Bruyn (Pres/Sec) .......... 0408 371 210
Dirk de Bruyn (Treas)..........................6437 1934

Ulverstone Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses’
PO Box 344 Ulverstone 7315
Gordon Radford (Secretary).......... 0417 334 485

Coronavirus (COVID-19) information for the Central Coast

Mental Health Guide

Using Telehealth

Health Alerts

If you are in the North West and you are experiencing flu like symptoms you must quarantine and call your GP or the Public Health Hotline on 1800 671 738.  You may need to be tested for COVID-19